Someone on the forum was concerned about their blocks because they had used a loud print. Don't worry ... and check out the blocks from Judy and Vicky that arrived Tuesday.
Here are the blocks from France (1), Jeni (5), Julie (4), Kate (5), Lee Ann (2) and Vanessa (2). They're on the list for the sneek peek email tomorrow night ... along with anyone whose blocks arrive by tomorrow.
What happened to September (and most of October)? A sooner-than-planned move, a bad case of something, an unexpected (but fun!) business trip, some more work commitments I didn't see coming, and a cat-astrophe ...
And while I was feeling like I was chasing my tail, the blocks kept coming. At the end of the month, there were 61 blocks, to split among the three winners: Vanessa, Lee Ann and Jeni, and almost none of the photos had been posted. Here's what you missed: