I received more purple blocks (16) in February than any other color ... which probably doesn't come as a surprise to some of you. This doesn't count anything that was really more red-violet, which I stacked with the red and pink blocks--there were 12 of those.
Did you think that I was talking about the winners of the drawing on Wednesday? Those winners were Jen and Sue. Congratulations ladies.
I know are going to love these blocks and make something wonderful from them. As I was sorting them into colors before dividing them up, I had to take a moment and try a few on the design wall with the Hoffman Challenge focus fabric. I think Sue and Jen may find a place for the Hoffman fabric in their quilts.
I wanted to give that state map thing another try. I hope I didn't miss anyone this time--be sure to let me know if I did. Colored states (both colors) are where the blocks were made; yellow states are where our winners live. In February, I received blocks from Alison, Ardyth, Bonnie, Colene, Debbie, Georgene, Jennifer, Julie, Kate, Laura, Lee Ann, Michelle, Pat, Sandy, Sherry, Silvia, Sue and Terri

A nice distribution, I think (and, of course, this doesn't include
Kate in the UK).