These blocks were made by Ardyth, Brenda, Cathy, Chris, Colene, Debbie, Desiree, Grace, Jen, Julie, Kathi, Lee Ann, Michelle, Sandy, Suzy, Sylvia, Terri, Tracy, Vanessa and me.
They're obviously taken at different times, hence the variation in white backgrounds, but aren't they pretty?

I'll post more of the pink and orange lotto blocks soon.
The blocks are lovely. My concern is how they are going to sell more quilts next year, when they can't seem to move the ones they have now. The prices on some of the quilts have been brought down so low that it's an insult to the individuals who worked so hard to make and donate them. Personally, I only made and donated a few blocks last year, I wouldn't do it again this year when they are selling some of these quilts for as low as $9.99.