Monday, October 31, 2011

October Recap

Here's the list of blocks made in October, saved here before I delete the list and we start over in November.

October Block List: 252 Blocks

  • Andi - 3  *** WINNER ***
  • Andrew - 3 (donate)
  • Cathy Ann - 5
  • Cathy C - 3 (donate)
  • Cathy S - 5
  • Christa - 1
  • Coralie - 9
  • Corinne - 9 (donate)
  • Cyndi - 5
  • Céline - 2 (donate)
  • Debbie M - 1
  • Debra - 9
  • Ellie - 2 *** WINNER ***
  • Gail -2 (donate)
  • Ginny - 4 (donate)
  • Giselle - 5
  • Gwen - 8 (donate)
  • Helen - 1 ***NEW ***
  • Janet H - 3 ***NEW*** *** WINNER ***
  • Janet S - 4 (donate)
  • Jo - 4
  • Julie P - 3
  • Julie Wa - 5 (donate)
  • Julie Wy - 4
  • Kate - 5 (donate)
  • Kathie - 3
  • Kathy S - 3
  • Kim G - 3
  • Krista - 1
  • Kristin - 7
  • Laura E - 7 ***NEW ***
  • Laura R - 9
  • Laurina - 6 (donate)
  • Linda N - 9
  • Linnea - 1
  • Liz - 2
  • Marree - 9
  • Mary -1
  • Mary Jane - 9 + 1 (extra)
  • Marybeth - 3 (donate)
  • Michelle - 3 (donate)
  • Pat H - 9
  • Pattilou - 7
  • Rho - 1 *** WINNER ***
  • Sophie - 9 (donate)
  • Sue - 9 *** WINNER ***
  • Terri - 2
  • Terry - 4 (donte)
  • Tina - 9
  • Toni -6 (donate)
  • Wendi - 3
  • Wendy F - 7 (donate)
  • Wilma - 4 (donate)

October Mailing Info has been sent

If you made blocks in October, you should have email from me with the information you need to mail your blocks.

If you didn't receive the email, check your spam folder ... then let me know and I'll try again.   If you DID receive the email and found an error in it, be sure to let me know ASAP.

The October 2011 WINNERS are . . .

I was able to get away for an hour this afternoon and randomly choose the winners.  They are:
  1. Sue - wins 56 blocks
  2. Rho - wins 49 blocks
  3. Andi - wins 49 blocks
  4. Ellie - wins 49 blocks
  5. Janet H - wins 49 blocks
Look for email from me later today.  I'll be asking you how many of your own blocks you'd like to keep and to confirm that your name and mailing address (as I have the) are correct.

Congratulations ladies and thanks to everyone for making such interesting blocks.  I know our winners will have fun with these.

Kim G's Choices for October

Each is done with a blue Morris design fabric (yeah for the fabric I had in storage).  Left to right they are - Birds in Flight, Bear Claw, and Spinning Spools. The spools are traditional NOT wonky - just a bad picture sorry!

Drawing tonight

Unfortunately, I have a work lunch meeting and will probably not be able to race home during my lunch break to finalize the list for the drawing and send it to someone to pick the winners.

So, unless I end up with a chance to break away for an hour, the drawing will happen later today and, to minimize any further delays, I'll use the random number generator to "pick" the winners.  It looks like we'll have FIVE WINNERS tonight ... unless some more blocks are posted today.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Wild Geese Chase!

Here is my third block for the month.  This was my third attempt at making this block.  I'd never done paper piecing before and it is harder than it looks!!!  But I'm finally pleased with this one.  I am also donating this one.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

October blocks

Here are my October sampler blocks.  I put these together as a last minute fallback entry.  I started with a couple of Sunbonnet Sue blocks, but I packed them up to work on in the car for our trip last weekend and I haven't seen them since.

Friday, October 28, 2011

My October blocks...

Laura Randolph

More rails received

I received an envelope from Angela in Axton, VA today, the only one this week.  Thank you, Angela.  Pretty fabrics.
I need to check my list to see if this is everyone. Just got back from being out of town again, so am playing catch up.  I did print the directions for the sneak peek block.  This'll be great to see!
Thank you to everyone!

Corinne in Forks, WA

Oct 2011 Photos

Heres my 4 blocks for October. I love this month's lotto - the colours and the collection of everyones samplers - Fantastic!! Great choice Sophie . 3 of mine are liberated log cabin style and the fourth in the top left was intended to be a blue rose bud but instead has morphed into a wonky church window. My fabrics include some vintage (but unused) Laura Ashley blues and creams.
Julie Wyer (UK)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Broken dishes & catch-up

I am so far behind on Block Lotto.  How far behind? 

Well, I would like to thank Andi in AZ, Belinda in TX, Cathi in Clare, Deana in UT, Jennifer in CA, & Shelley in ME for your August lotto blocks.  Yes August.  They all arrived ages ago but my kitchen was in boxes & then came out of boxes & then when two of the three new appliances FAILED & had to be replaced, a lot of things had to go back into boxes...well, it was a shambles.  I am sorry to take so long; your envelopes were among the things that had to be boxed so the repairman had room to...perform (work seems the wrong word somehow since he never fixed anything & actually broke other things while he was here).  All the violets are so wonderful & I cannot say thank you thank you thank you enough.

In other late, but not so late news my rails were mailed.  They were mailed so long ago they have probably been received.  Reading Block Lotto is a luxury & I have not had much time for that lately.  My choice yesterday was read Block Lotto or make the current block(s).

& so finally all caught up & here they are:  my October 2011 sampler blocks.  They are variations on the traditional block "broken dishes".  It seemed appropriate somehow.  Also I just love this block & used this same color scheme to make a broken dishes quilt for my step-father years (OMG it has been years!) ago.

These three are all to donate; I am still making offerings to the Block lotto Gods for my two wins this year.

Two Sampler Blocks from Kathy S.

Here's two more sampler blocks for the October Block Lotto:

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Sorry for being so late. I have been carrying the rail blocks around in my bag, but was not able to make it to the post office until today. Andrew you should receive your blocks very soon.  Sorry for the delay.


two different blocks

Not sure why the strip pieced one looks so pink.  Misunderstanding between camera and me.  Liz

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Rails Received

I have now received all of my curved rail blocks.  Thank you one and all!  These are going to make a lovely quilt.
I missed the sneak peek by just a little bit.
But, I do have 3 blocks to enter in the lotto!
The block is called electric fan.
Julie P

November Sneak Peek

If you have made and post sampler blocks this month, you should have sneak peek email from me with information about the November block.  November's block is made using an interesting, fun technique.

It's that time of the month when it is a good idea to double check that the number of blocks I have attributed to you in the sidebar is correct and I have correctly noted if you plan to donate your chances this month.

If you don't receive the sneak peek email or aren't in the list, be sure to let me know ASAP.  Same thing if I have the wrong number of blocks for you in the sidebar.  In both cases, it would be very helpful if you send me the link to your post(s) with your block photo(s).

If you make sneak peek blocks and would like them included in the virtual quilt, please email the photos to me no later than SATURDAY.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Rails received

I received rails from Jo in Oman today.  They are beautiful!  At first I thought these blocks had traveled the farthest, but I think New Zealand is technically farther.  At any rate, this will be a very well traveled quilt!

Rails received

Thanks Linda for the rails and the extra surprize squares. My stash is very short on blacks, so these are very welcome.
Now the work begins, putting it together.
And of course tomorrow is sneak peak day. I'm betting excited about that. Hopefully we will have less choice, that boggles my mind.


5 sampler blocks

Got my act together this weekend and made a few blocks... I'm going to donate my chances this month.

Julie Wa

Sunday, October 23, 2011

newby from Nashville, TN


My name is Helen and I am Christa's (from Virginia) daughter. I have an 18 month old which doesn't leave much time for creative projects. I really enjoy seeing other peoples' blocks and felt like joining the fun this month. The pattern was adjusted to 8.5 inches per the rules. Despite the sewing machine being temperamental, it was my first ever quilt block and was a fun project. Best of all I got it done in my sons nap time! Thank you, Sophie.
- Helen W.

Krista's October block

I wasn't going to play this month, because I was feeling "blued-out" after a couple of very blue quilts over the summer.  However, I remembered that there was a block I wanted to try, and this seemed like a good opportunity.  I wish I could remember the name, or where I found the neat tutorial for making this (from 2 8" squares).  But here it is.  One block from me this month.

rho's Oct Block Lotto Block #1

this is my first (and maybe ONLY) block for October.

October Block from Kathy S.

Here's my first block for the October Block Lotto.  It's a sleeping Roly Poly Owl.  You can find the tutorial at:   It is made with Drunkard's Path blocks.

March 2011-Block Lotto Quilt

 I had to check back in the archives to see when these Blocks came to my house.  I found the answer HERE.
I thought it was April, but the posting was March and I was a newbie WINNER. Anyway.  It is all quilted and I wanted to post it with a picture of the backing.  I found the pretty red fabric that I used for the Border and Backing. I quilted it from the back and it took me a while to finish...there's a lot stitching in there.
It is now ready to have the binding attached.  Once again I have to thank all those who sent me Blocks to make this pretty quilt.  I never knew I needed one until the Red and White exhibit came out in New York.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

4 more sampler blocks

These are my final 4 blocks for the October blue and cream sampler. The cup is the mirror of the cup in my first batch. The other 3 blocks are taken from patterns in Debra Henninger's book, Hobo Quilts, 55+ Original Blocks based on the Secret Language of Riding the Rails. She adapted the chalk marks and other signs used by hobos in the 30s to mark locations for their fellow vagrants. I chose blocks for their ease (no applique!), and working with these colors. The top right is her "Anything Goes" block, the bottom left is the "Jail" block, and the bottom right is the "fake illness" block. Her patterns are for 6 1/2" blocks, so I had to do some math to adapt them to the 8.5 ". She has interesting quotations from the vagrants, as well as photos from the era, and photos of several quilts composed of the different blocks. I actually bought this through my paperback book club instead of in a quilt shop, although Amazon probably has it; just came out last year. the blocks would be interesting made up in work shirt fabric or denims, ginghams, or the homespun plaids.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Curved Rails sent

Corinne S. your blcoks are on the way to your house....sure hope you  like them.
I was going to join in on the lotto this month but after 3 days of trying to get one block completed (try as I might)....I failed to do so, the measurements just wasnt' adding up so...I tossed it away and I will wait to see what happens next month. Thank you Sophie for having such a fun blog for all of us sewing addicts LoL

Oct Blocks redux

I remade my blue rail block, so now I have THREE blocks for October.  Since my first post was not labelled correctly, I don't think Sophie has counted any of these yet.

Happy Stitching!
Andi in Arizona

2 sampler blocks

I finally got around getting my white/cream and blue scrap baskets out to try and make some "free form" blocks. I played with strips of various width to construct blocks made of 4 patches. I only made 2 blocks in the end because I didn't have that much variety of tone on tone blue fabrics.
So here are my 2 blocks, I guess the first one could be inspired from rail fence quilts
and the second could be a "H" block
Hope they fit this month theme and colours.
I would like to donate my chances this month.


Curved Rails received

More rails from:

Vicki Smith and Melinda Fulkerson



Thursday, October 20, 2011

Rails - received.

Message received. Sorry about random headings.
Today I received more rails from Ikena, Vicki and Cathy Ann. Thanks, ladies, they are lovely. Just one more set to arrive from texas and then I'm ready to play with them and create your masterpiece.

Gwen (Musicmama)

All Curved Rails Received in Minnesota!

Hello everyone.  I have received 14 different envelopes containing last months winnings of curved rails from: Debbie in Isreal, Debbie in CT, Kathy in OH, June in CA, Shelley in ME, Pat in UT, Laura in GA, Tina in RI, Mary Jane in GA, Christa in VA, Liz in CT, Cathi in Ireland, Marybeth in FL and Jean in WA.

Thank you all so much! My mother loves batiks so I am hoping to make a few additional blocks from her stash and use all the blocks in a quilt for her.

Karen S. in MN

Curved Rails received

I have not been able to post messages on the blog to thank everyone that  has sent me lovey curved rail blocks.  I hope this goes through.
Thanks to: Cathi , Coralie, Debbie, Debra, Joan, Kate , Kim G.,  Laura, Liz,
Mary Jane, Melinda (I got yours today), Nancy, Sandy, Sue, Vicki, Wendi
From- Kina

Rails-Mailed by Melinda

I finally got my rails mailed a couple of days ago. Hopefully they will arrive soon.

Melinda in Marietta, GA

Final Two For October

Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"Blocks Received" and other Labels

There are now more than 100 of us making blocks and posting messages on a regular basis.

The reason I ask you to use SPECIFIC labels for your post is so that with one click, I can do something like ... see all the block photos that have been post this month. Which I just tried to do, because someone emailed me this week to let me know I goofed and gave them credit for blocks they did not make, so I tried to look through all the posts to figure out whose blocks I incorrectly attributed to someone else.

When I looked at the posts with the label I asked you all to use when posting a photo of your blocks–Oct 2011 Photos–only about half of them show up (so I still don't know who is currently not getting credit for the blocks they made). 

Ps.  Any post about the block this month should also have the label sampler 11 which would enable anyone (but most likely me) to look at all the posts about our sampler blocks (including sending and receiving them) if, for example, in January, I remember something someone said when we were making sampler blocks and want to find the post.

I honestly don't know if some of you think your idea of a label is better than the ones I ask you to use each month or if you just randomly make something up, but here's the thing ... once someone creates a label, then it starts popping up as an option for EVERYONE ELSE ... which I suppose is why some of you just randomly pick one (or a bunch) of labels from what pops up ... instead of consciously using or choosing the labels I ask everyone to use.

"Blocks received" is a classic example.  People use it EVERY MONTH ... which makes it a really bad choice because you can't quickly find the blocks that were received for any specific month. Here are the two labels I asked you to use for blocks sent and received:


I sincerely ask that if you are unsure or don't remember, LEAVE THE LABELS BLANK.  (If you are posting by email, you can't add labels and I am happy to add those for you.)

A lot of you make a point of thanking me for the time and energy I spend on the Block Lotto.  But, almost every month, I have to wade through literally hundreds of posts to answer a question about blocks mailed or received because most of you apparently don't appreciate me and the time I spend enough to help me use my time efficiently by using the labels I ask you to use.   I try to keep on top of it and correct the labels, but some months--LIKE THIS ONE--it gets out of control and I give up.

The Block Lotto only succeeds because each month, we show up, make blocks and well as we can and mail them to the winners in a timely fashion ... because of mutual respect and trust.  I'm asking you to TRUST ME and understand I ask you to use these specific labels to make it possible for me to stay on top of things and prevent nights like tonight where I do little beyond wading through hundreds of your blog posts in an effort to keep things straight.

Ps.  If you made 4 blocks this month and your name ISN'T in the sidebar, you'd better let me know.  Several hours later, I still don't know who you are.

My October Block

I made this Block a while ago and haven't been able to get it posted until now. I even tried sending it to Sophie to post and kept waiting to see it.  Thank you Sophie for the new Invite.  It is nice to know there are so many of us who want to participate that if you miss a few months, you're off the Blog list.  I've been a little busy the past few months.

Curved Rails Received

I came home from being out of town and found 6 more squishies in my mail!  Curved rail blocks received from:  Celine in Biggleswade, UK; Janet in Rio Rancho, NM; Kina in St Paul, MN; Giselle in NY; Cathy C (CrafteeCC) in Golden Grove, SA, Australia; and Karen in Tarneit, VIC, Australia.  This is really a well-traveled quilt already.Beautiful blocks, quilters!  All of the blocks I've received have been astounding! 
When I have them all, I'll post a picture of them together.  Hopefully, I'll get them sewn together soon after; but, with Christmas not so far away, the actual sewing may have to wait.  Gifts first, probably, and this one is a definite KEEPER! [grin]

Corinne in Forks, WA

Blocks received

More blocks apperaed in my mailbox today. Thanks to Marie and Tina. Had me a time figuring who Tina was but discovered her name in the original posting about where to mail the blocks. She's Mrs. Craig from Wakefield, RI!
I'm thinking about sashing the blocks is a dark grey or even a black to highlight the blocks. Any suggestions folks?

Gwen (Musicmama)

Curved Rail Blocks

My blocks will be sent out in tomorrows mail. Sorry for the delay. So, Coronne S. be looking for 3 blocks from Va. Congrats to all of last months winners.

Curved rails

Received 2 blocks from Cathy C. Thanks!!! They are all so different.


sampler blocks from CathyC in Australia

YAY ;-)  I have been able to make up another block - shown here in a new photo with my two previously submitted blocks
1 Disappearing 4 patch
1 Pinwheel

Here are my three (3) blocks (to be donated)  I am hoping to get some more done, but hubby will be home for two weeks from 24th October and we are hoping to have a few days out and about and play tourist in our own city ;-)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A 60-day experiment

There's a new tab at the top of the blog labelled FORUM.  

  • Unless there are major issues, I'll leave the forum page up for 60 days so we can "kick the tires" and see what we thing--both about this forum format and whether or not we need a discussion forum.
  • Please continue to post Block-Lotto-related posts on the blog.  But if you are looking for a place to talk about stuff within this community, the forum might be the place for you.  Also, as much as I love blogs, forums seem to be better suited for "conversation."
  • Please, nothing commercial, respect the copyrights of others, and be nice to one another ;-)
  • You might have to sign up for a (free) Nabble account to use it.
  • There are still some formatting issues on the page--I tried to remove the sidebars, but if you scroll down, you'll notice they are still there, just pushed below the discussion forum.  I'll have another look at the code when I'm less tired. 

Kristin gets all the credit for finding this option (and a couple others).  We ere chatting about the best way of organizing a swap within the block lotto community ... if you saw my comment about what a great swap block one of her samplers blocks would make, now you know, I wasn't just being nice ;-)

Tic-tac-toe baby quilt

In January 2010, the block lotto made tic-tac-toe blocks with bright fabrics in a white background. In February, I met up with Julie when she visited London and she gave me a handful (three or four - I can't remember for sure) of these tic-tac-toe blocks, which are made the same way, but with the white crossing and the brights as background. The rest, as they say, is history. The quilt is now finished (except see I haven't sewn the binding all the way down in this photo?) and will be going to its new home with a friend who is having a baby, later this week (the baby isn't due for a few more weeks!). Thanks, block lotto, for another brilliant Lotto-Inspired Quilt...

Six September 2011 Curved Rails on Way from San Diego

I actually mailed them last week or maybe even the week before.

Looking forward to seeing what you do with the blocks!

Monday, October 17, 2011

7 October Blocks from Kristin

Here are my blocks for the month.

All but the bottom two blocks are made using the same 4 blocks.
The top three are exactly the same, except for placement.

The middle two are variations.

I can't decide which one I like better!  Which one do you like?

***edited to add - Check out my tutorial on a project using blocks like these!***

 - Kristin in Oregon

Curved rails received

Thanks Pokey for the lovely surprize. Not only did you send rail blocks, you decorated the envelope front and back. And guess what! Right! We're both named Gwen(dolyn) A bit of a major coincidence living on opposite points of North America as we do. California, USA to Cape Breton, Canada.
Thanks for the blocks.

Last squishie receieved - curved rails

I received a squishie from Linda today. Thanks for the extra charms! All my rails have arrived.

Made My Day

It started off as one of those know the kind I mean.  I had an early meeting at work.  We're remodeling and it's be polite.  Then I come home and grab my mail....bill...bill...bill...and then I smiled because I hit the envelope from Linda at the bottom of the stack.  I knew I would be getting beautiful batik curved rails, so things were looking up.  But then, she included some I Spy squares too and it totally turned my day around.  How did she know I was collecting these little squares to make an I Spy quilt for my grandson for Christmas?  They're perfect.  Thank you so much, Linda.  Block Lotto people are the best.

Janet S.

More curved rails received

Last week I received more curved rails from Kasey, Celine, Paula, Marie, and Janet.  Only one more set to go!  These are so beautiful!

October 2011 blocks

My first three blocks to block lotto ever!! We live fulltime in our 40' fifth wheel trailer. We currently are in NY and getting ready to move. Since I was packing all my scraps I decided to get a few blocks made! You all are so talented and have enjoyed looking through the quilts made from the blocks. So wonderful! Next month our only daughter is getting married, so not sure if I will have any time to sew, but I wanted to get my feet wet!!
Janet H

Sunday, October 16, 2011

October blocks

I have two blocks...but one is from all blue fabrics, so if that doesn't count, then mark me down for one this month!  Everyone is doing a terrific job.  If  I get a chance, I will add some cream to the rail fence block and post another picture.

Andi in Arizona

another block

This makes 7 blocks for me this month.
Laura E. (ellison01)

September curved rails received

From Cathy in Australia, Kim in Savannah, GA and Joan in NY.  Thank you ladies, the blocks are lovely!

Sampler block photos October 2011

Here are nine sampler blue and cream blocks for October. Good luck to
everyone this month. Some of these blocks were made from scrap bits and
just sewn into blocks, and some were cut to measurement for block patterns.

Coralie in Canada

Another October block

Found this block in my sewing room today and realised I hadn't blogged it with the others (I actually made it first) - so my total for October should be five - and will probably stay there - so many things to do with what little is left of October!

rho's quilt made of wonky checkerboard blocks...

Well, here I go! Last night at the Quilting PJ party, I stitched up my Block Lotto winnings! I had a total of 48 blocks and they're all here!!(I just love a quilt that I can complete in one evening... don't you!?) Do you see your block? Thanks to all who participated in the lottery!


I am so sorry, but no matter what I have tried, I cannot post on The Block Lotto blog.  I sent three blocks to each Wilma, Corrine and Kina.  I have read that Wilma received hers, but I have heard nothing from the other two.  I have tried several times, to post a query and no luck.  I do not seem to have this problem anywhere else, so I am desperately emailing you to see if it’s just me or the blog.  I will drop out if I can’t participate correctly.  I understand you cannot be saddled with my inability to post.  I just want you to understand where I am at.  I love the idea of this lotto and am ready to go the course….LOL!....but I am stuck here……shall I just keep emailing through you or drop out? 


Winota in Galt, CA (Wendi)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

2 Sampler Blocks from CathyC

1 Disappearing 4 patch

Here are my two (2) blocks for the moment - I intend to get some more done next week.

Sophie, I will donate these blocks ;-)

Drunken Sixteen-Patch

Here is my second block for October.  I am donating it as well.  After I posted the first one, Liz asked me to tell her how I made it.  It is a block I made up so I took pictures and posted the directions on my blog Drunken Sixteen-Patch.  I've never written instructions for making a block before, so I apologize if they are not clear.  Please feel free to critique them.  Thanks - Andrew
I haven't heard whether Corrine or Kina have received the three blocks I sent to each.  I also sent three to Wilma and she has posted she received them.  I'd really like to know if you two, Corrine and Kina, have gotten them.  I sent them Oct. 3rd.....

More mail

Today I got gorgeous batik curved rail blocks from Giselle, Marie, and Shelley.  Thank you so much.  This is going to be a great quilt.
Janet S

More curved rails received

And they just keep on coming, lol. I love them all. Received blocks from:

Sue  Mobilia(love your little tag)
J. Tzanavaris (thanks so much for the extra piece of fabric!!)
Kim Gattis

Thanks everyone!!!

Three more

I received 3 more beautiful blocks! Thanks Janet R., Celine, and Paula.

Friday, October 14, 2011

5 October Blocks and Blocks Mailed

I mailed my three blocks to you, Gwen, on Oct 7th.  You should be receiving them any day now.
Here are my 5 blocks for this month.  I really enjoyed researching and deciding which blocks to sew. I am  keeping my fingers crossed. I sure hope to win this month.  Our home has lots of blues and browns.
Cathy Ann

Blocks Sent on Monday

I forgot to post a message, but Curved Rail blocks were mailed to Gwen, Kina and Wilma last Monday.

blocks received

Thanks to June and Shelley for the lovely blocks I received in the mail today. I now have received 21 blocks with another 18 to look forward to. Happy piecing.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

3 October blocks

3 blocks  for the October blue sampler...Donate my chances please!

Blocks received

Lots of surprises in the mail today.
From Corinne 2 blocks and a fabulous photo from her area - love it.
From Pattilou 2 blocks,
From Kristin N 3 blocks,
From Kathy S 3 blocks,
From Christa 3 blocks.
I love them all and am amazed at the wide range of postal fees charged for the mailings...0.80 up to $1.72 so far. Crazy, eh.
I'm really getting excited and love to personal notes as well. Making new friends all over the continent (not receiving any international blocks. Please don't feel slighted.)


Four for October

I was going to wait and see if I had time to do more this month, but as it's looking unlikely, I'll go ahead and post the four blocks I've made so far. I'll donate my chances this month, Sophie!

(this block is actually straight - no idea why the photo is so wonky!)

and yes, this one really is blue - it's a dark blue, but nothing like in the photo...

Curved rails from across the ocean

Beautiful Batik curved rail blocks have arrived all the way from Co. Clare.  Thank you so much Cathi!
Janet S

Blue sampler blocks

I've made 3 blocks for this month's lotto. I love the whirling look of two of my blocks and may use those patterns for another project. Kathie L in Allentown

curved rails

mailed today for Andrew, Corinne, and Cyndi hope you enjoy them!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Curved rails received

As I returned from a Thanksgiving holiday visit with my parents, I was delighted to find my first curved raqils in the mail. Thanks, to Balinda from Brunswick, Maine. I love the colors and can't wait to see if tomorrow's mail brings some more.
By the way, our weather was the warmest on record for both Subday and Monday. Sundau was over 80 degrees and our mean temp is about 55-60. WOW!!

October Blue & Tan Blocks

Here are two blocks for the lotto this month.  Love the color combo this month Sophie!!
This is my 2nd attempt at emailing the blog post.  Hope it works this time.

curved rail blocks mailed

Curved rail block mailed today to Corinne, Janet, and Karen.
Toodleoo Jean

One October block for Debbie

One block for October, so far. I won't have time to make more until the last week of October, but I wanted to make sure I get at least one in for the sneak peak!