Monday, November 9, 2009

Have You Mailed Your Milky Way Lotto Blocks?

I finally walked my Milky Way blocks to the post office today and mailed them . . . how about everyone else?

This is my birthday month and your gift to me could be to mail early so I don't have to spend the end of this month chasing missing blocks for our winners . . . between us, I'm having a rough time and I would really appreciate it.

If you haven't yet mailed, please please PLEASE get your blocks in the mail this week if at all possible.

In case you're wondering. I was passed over for the perfect job at the dream company by the twenty-something hiring manager . . . so you all can uncross your fingers now. I've recently passed the one year anniversary of losing my job in Michigan and another major milestone birthday yesterday, spent alone and mostly forgotten. I'm coming to grips with the fact that I'm facing some pretty harsh age bias in my job search for the first time in my career and I don't have a clue how I'm going to get around it, find a job and keep a roof over my head.


  1. BUMMER on the job, I am so sorry. My honey was out of work for my entire pregnancy with the new one. Talk about stress! He was offered a job the morning after she was born.

    I have not mailed my blocks out yet? Why? Well because I got them all packed up with the letters and a package I had to send and was going to do after work, left them at home by the door on a shelf thingie since I went to work at 5:00 AM MST and low and behold when I got home to get them and take the three year old to the bank next to the post office, every single card, letter, package etc was open with contents all over the floor. Ihad to walk away and deal with it later. Tomorrow I have the day you didn't need to hear that story,but I wanted some sypmathy because all my man said was "well you should have taken it all to work with you/" hehe

  2. Sophie, I'm sorry you are going through this hard time. So unfair! Too bad there is no paid position available for a block lottery czar---you'd have it made!

  3. Lisa, thanks for your note and yes, you ABSOLUTELY have my sympathy . . . deal with it when you can, but please don't put it off too long . . .

    Ginny, thanks for the nice thought. A paid Block Lottery Czar (or would that be a Czarina?) . . . now that's a funny idea ;-)


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