Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March Blocks, Geographically Speaking

While we wait for me to hear from all six winners and prepare the who-mails-to-which-winners chart, here's something to play with.  It's a map that shows where all the March blocks were made.  Yellow marks the winners' locations.

View March 2010 Lotto Blocks in a larger map

FYI, I only used the city, state and postal codes of everyone's addresses to create this with Google maps. So, don't worry if your location seems wrong . . .  nor worry that it might be too exactly right.


  1. Great map! It makes me wonder if I passed by any block lotto folks at the AQS show in Lancaster last week.

  2. The picture on "my" dot (Springfield, OR) is actually about 3 blocks from my house. Nifty. :)

  3. Oh, I'm so excited to be a winner! It is my first time to win! Yippie! Thanks!

  4. My picture is a strip mall, not far from here. But if you click further you see some cool photos of Winter Garden. Fortunately not my house with me standing in an open window, LOL!

  5. My pin is in the free space that has lots of growth under power lines - my house is a few blocks away!

    : )

  6. Five of the winning picks are seen; my sort of hidden one waaaayyyy up in the northeast is mine in Maine. That lot is next to the firestation and the lawn of a classmate...I live 3 miles east of there :) Shelley


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