For February, ww will create 6.5 inch (6 inch finished) tall blocks which spell out all the terms of endearment we can imagine in a palette of red, pinks, whites and creams. What words do you call your sweetheart or BFF (besides their name)?
If you're feeling stuck, a thesaurus might be your friend, I plugged in the words "darling", "dear", "sweetheart" and "beloved" into the thesaurus function on the dictionary.com site and generated quite a few ideas ... and of. course, all four of those words work, too. Once you start thinking about it, you'll find possibilities everywhere. The Christine Lanvin song, Don't Ever Call Your Sweetheart by His Name, kept playing in my head when I was sewing my blocks. You can listen here on YouTube and find the lyrics on Christine's site, if you're curious.
Your words should consist of at least three letters and your word blocks should be 6.5 inches tall (to finish at 6 inches) and can be as wide as they need to be, but at least 6.5 inches wide. Please start and end your words with at least 1" of background fabric. This will help the winners lay out their blocks without having the words run together.
You may include non-English terms of endearment, but the majority of your blocks should be English. If you make a non-English block, please provide a translation.

Fabrics may be solids or prints in Red, Pink, White, Cream. They may include other colors, but should be predominately Red, Pink, White and Cream. Your blocks maybe be two-color blocks (letters in one fabric and background in another, like my BFF block) or scrappy. My suggestion is that if you go scrappy, that you use a single fabric for either the background or the letters and go scrappy for the other, but you don't have to, as long as you have good contract and your word can be clearly read. As an example, in the Block Lotto banner I made, both the blue fabrics in the letters and the yellow backgrounds are scrappy, but (I think) there's good contrast and the values of each color are close enough that they blend.
If you make multiple blocks, you can repeat fabric as long as you mix up the combinations. As usual, you can make and enter up to 9 blocks. And it's OK to repeat a combination in two different blocks by switching it around and, for example, making one word block with red letters, white background and another with white letters on a red background.
For some examples of the color-way in my head ... when I saw the blocks at the top of this blog post, I thought it was a good representation of what I'm thinking. Any of the fabrics like those in this quilt would work: As would any of the fabrics in the LAST picture (the noodles) in this blog post.
The blocks can be pieced or appliquéd ... as long as the appliqué doesn't have any raw edges–as some of you know, I just don't like to mix the "fused and tattooed style appliqué with other styles in a quilt). Here are a couple resources for making Liberated-style Letters:
After you have followed the directions for a few words, you may well find yourself making it up as you go (I did) and developing your own look (a fiber font) ... and that's great. Just be sure that you are using 1/4 inch seams, so that these blocks will last (because I think they are going to be SO COOL.
If you are not feeling so liberated yet, you can always piece your blocks in a more traditional way. Marcia has a set of 4" letters on her site, here:
I enlarged these and used them for my BFF block. If you go this route, you'll notice that her blocks have background added on all four sides and you will likely want to edit some of that out on the sides so that the letters in your words are closer together and read as words.
I also found these appliqué letters on the freepatterns site:
I am planning on designing my own appliqué word using cursive handwriting. It will be a short word, but I really want to do it ... so stay tuned.
You have have another pattern with letters that you like and it's OK to use them. The differences in style are going to make for an interesting quilt for our winner(s) next month.
The "Baby" block at the top of this post was made by Kristin. It's half of "Baby Doll," Doll appears below. Kristin also made the cupcake block.
"Hot Mama" was made by Dianah. Ginny made "Cutie." And Kate made "hugs","love" and "smooch." "Sweetie", "Beloved", "honey" and "BFF" are mine.

Click any of the word blocks in this message for a larger image (on Flickr).
thanks for the shout out!
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome, Brenda. This blog gets quite a few visitors ... and I suspect some of them will become a fan of your work (as I have).
ReplyDeleteWow! this is sooo much fun. the Beloved in particular really catches my eyes. great work by everyone.
ReplyDeleteI would like to join this group. . . but I'm not confident enough to start this month (but I love the words that everyone is doing).
ReplyDeleteThank you!
Please email me at jeansophie (at) gmail (dot) com and we'll get you set up for whenever you are confident enough to play . . . though I encourage you to give the letters a try. They probably are easier than you imagine.
ReplyDeleteI will have 3 word blocks to post soon. My letters are pretty blocky. But I've figured out some general tips. Don't be stingy with the length of your strips or cut them off too soon, particularly with diagonals. Things fit together in ways you don't expect. I had some real trouble with the letter "m" (trying to do diagonals in the middle, I cut off the point), but I figured out that for a nice even "A", fold the background for the middle in half "tallwise" and make a nice angle cut 1/4 inch below the top. Then sew the strips to each of the outside parts, and the inner part will line up for even angles. (The inner part can be sliced horizontally for the cross bar before sewing it together.) Not sure this makes sense.
ReplyDeleteBut it's fun just to try to fit things together without measuring with a ruler but instead just lining things up. I guess that is the "liberated" part.