Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The end of the month is almost here ...

The deadline for entering blocks into this month's "super lotto" is NOON (US East coast time) TOMORROW, March 31.

If no one volunteers, I'll be choosing the winners (at least 8 of you) using the Random Number web site. Otherwise, I'll be sending the list to the volunteer to choose our winners and post the results.   (To volunteer to choose the winners, you cannot be in the drawing yourself.)

*** UPDATE *** Julie Wa. has volunteered *** Thanks, Julie !!! ***

. . . while I have your attention, here's one of the quilts from the Infinite Variety exhibit that made me think of the Block Lotto while I was in NY--The (unliberated) version of the fireworks blocks we made last summer.

Red & White quilt 

(The quilt on the bottom of the photo is pretty cool, too, huh?)

1 comment:

  1. Sophie, I'm happy to do the drawing if no one else has volunteered...

    Julie "Wa"


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