Thursday, April 22, 2010

Blog List for Lois and Brooke

Here's the list of quilters, alphabetically by first name, who have made lotto blocks so far during 2010 AND have blogs, along with a link to their blogs.

Lois suggested it and Brooke thought it was a great idea . . . . and of course, it is.  While I am not signing up for the work to create and maintain a blog roll, here's a start for anyone who wants to check them out and add them to their own list.

It may not be complete–not everyone tells me about their blog or I may not otherwise discover them–but these are the ones I know about.

Andra Simplify and Quilt
Balinda Crafty Maine Mom
Barbara Just a Little Zizzy
Brooke Domestically Brooke
Carrie Crickets Studio
Céline EspritPatch
Debbie Jerusalem Notes: Fiberwork by Debbie
Dianah Dianah
Janet Gramma's Stitchery
Julie W. Floribunda Quilts
Julie (Jewel) Jewel's Arm Candy
Kate Kate's Quilting (& Other Fibre Arts) Blog
Krista Quilts and More - Home Made Creations
Kristin Sew Chaos, Sew Crazy, Sew Wonderful
Linda Linda Big D
Lisa Unexpected Paths
Lois Gobinf's Blog
Louise Louise Sews
Manuela Artes & Filhos
Pat Pat's Patter
Sophie Sophie Junction
Tamera Tamara Quilts
Trudi Quilting Prolifically
Wendy K Inky Threads
Wendy Lee P Sewing in the Wendy City

If you have made blocks this year and I didn't include your blog, please tell us about it in the comments and I'll add it to this list.

As I mentioned in my long-winded comment to Lois' Vague Thought, I have no plans to chase this list and keep it current as people appear, participate and disappear.  I don't mean to sound whiny, but when I chase and document everything else related to the Block Lotto, the one thing I only check once or twice a year is who has dropped away and I would need to do that much more regularly to keep a current blog roll.  Even creating this took way much more effort than I thought it would . . . and I had all the URLs in a spreadsheet.

That said, EVERYONE should feel free to post links to their blog when they post here and I think it would be great for everyone to check out the blogs authored by our block lotto community.


  1. Here is the link to my still somewhat limited blog:

    So far it has photos of my first 2 quilts and some commentary.

  2. Thanks Linda. I didn't know you were blogging, but I'm glad to know and have added you to the list.

  3. Thanks for all this work sophie, I will have a quiet cup of tea and good long read when I get 5 mins here and there! Wonderful!

  4. This is great, Sophie! Thanks for taking the time. Just want you to know I'm still here. I haven't participated in the past few months, just because the blocks haven't appealed to me enough to spend time on them. I hope you're not offended! Looking forward to seeing what you have in mind for next month. I've been going through 'sneak peek' withdrawal, LOL!

  5. Sophie - thanks so much for taking the time to do the post with the blogs you know about! I'd have been lazier and just told people that they can add a link for their blog when they post and let them get on with it!

    I think the idea of putting a link when we post is brilliant, and makes us all responsible for ourselves without causing you any work (because you've quite enough already running the blog lotto. I've just stepped down from chairing a community group and it was hard enough just sending paperwork out quarterly never mind organising blocks crisscrossing the world!).

    Wish I'd thought of the link in the post and not the blogroll idea - which as your comment to my post says takes ages and is open to abuse.

    PS I think you're doing an amazing job Sophie and am really grateful that you are prepared to do it for us.


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